
Jigsaw Design & Publishing

  • Graphic Design
  • Publishing
  • Shop Merchandise

01392 826481 or 07710 595892

Exe Box, Matford Park Road, Matford, Exeter. EX2 8FD

About Jigsaw Design & Publishing

Jigsaw is recognised as one of the leading design & publishing specialists in the heritage market.

As the sector’s most experienced publishers, when you commission Jigsaw you really feel the benefit of working with professionals, who understand both the impact of first impressions and the importance of the detail.

With stunning photography, our experienced team of designers and editors create innovative designs and high-quality books tailored to your needs; enhancing your visitors’ experience, creating a lasting memento for them and a profit for you.

Whether you need a concise, colourful guide to help visitors find their way around a gallery or garden, or a comprehensive book detailing the unique appeal of your collection, historic building or museum – as market-leading publishers for an extensive range of heritage, cultural, charity, and corporate clients, we offer an unrivalled service.

Working with Jigsaw, you can always be assured that your project will run smoothly, on time and on budget with the minimum of fuss, as we guide you successfully through all of the stages of publishing; from first concepts to delivering the finished product to your shop.

We can also help with point of sale materials and provide advice on the best ways to sell and advertise your final printed product.

Next time you’re considering a new guidebook, large-format book or catalogue; or if you just need some advice on a publishing project, contact Jigsaw.


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