
Museums Galleries Scotland to fund only museums paying Living Wage

Grant applicants will now need to include criteria set out by the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First policy

Museums Galleries Scotland has announced that it will distribute Scottish Government funding only to museums that can prove they pay the real Living Wage.

From the 1st July, it has adopted two elements of the Fair Work First policy, developed by the Scottish Government as a criteria for grants, funding and contracts being awarded by and across the public sector.

It will require that workers receive at least the real Living Wage, currently £10.90. Organisations engaging sub-contractors to deliver activity as part of a grant will also need to be paid the real Living Wage.

Museums within larger organisations, such as arm’s-length external organisations and universities will need to provide information which will “reflect the situation of the organisation as a whole, not only the museum service.”

The criteria also stipulate that workers should be provided with “appropriate channels for effective voice”.

The Scottish Government’s guidance on Fair Work First defines ‘effective voice’ in part as “a safe environment where dialogue and challenge are central to the organisational culture and are dealt with constructively; and where worker views are sought out, listened to and acted upon, and can make a difference.”

Museums Galleries Scotland said those applying for funding will need to prove that they are compliant with these requirements before being able to access a grant, and will need to complete its Employer Declaration form.

Funding applicants will also need to demonstrate their awareness of, and commitment to, the Fair Work principles by including a supporting statement on their website, it said.

Full guidance on the changes to the process are available via the Museums Galleries Scotland website.