
Banksy calls for venue suggestions as exhibition set to tour

Image: The exterior of GoMA during Banky's 'Cut & Run' exhibtion (GoMA)

The ‘Cut & Run’ exhibition will tour following suggestions for its next venue

Anonymous artist Banksy has asked the public to suggest new venues which could play host to touring exhibition ‘Cut & Run’.

The ticketed exhibition ran from June until Monday, 28th August at Glasgow’s Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), showcasing the artist’s history of work in stencil graffiti.

A total of 180,000 people visited the exhibition, all of whom were banned from using their phone while inside.

Gareth James, GoMA Manager, said the exhibition had welcomed “a new and diverse audience, from primary school pupils to octogenarians, from all areas of society and corners of the globe.

“Free community tickets and overnight opening hours have extended the museum’s reach far beyond our usual scope.”

On the website for the exhibition, which is run by Cut & Run Productions Ltd, a statement now reads:

“We want to take this show on the road but have no idea where to go next. Do you?

“Mail us with your suggestions and include a few pics if possible. A specific location or venue would be ideal, please don’t just write ‘Come to Iran!”

Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council, said Glasgow has been experiencing a “Banksy bounce” as a result of the exhibition, adding “ we will be waiting to hear where it’s going to pop up next.”